Chris Kille is an entrepreneur and investor based in Boston, Massachusetts.

Chris formed his first company in 2000 and has since been involved in many startups and established companies. His most recent venture is EO Staff, a company that helps busy entrepreneurs buy back their time and grow their businesses by hiring experienced virtual assistants.

In his free time, he enjoys going out to eat, playing golf, and spending time with friends and family on the lake.

Feel free to reach out and connect. I’m always excited to meet fellow entrepreneurs and investors like you. Together, let’s turn our visions into reality and make things happen.

In “The Rise of Virtual Assistants,” I explore the transformative impact of virtual assistants in our ever-evolving digital landscape, delving into their increasing importance and potential to revolutionize the way we work, connect, and navigate our daily lives. Through insightful analysis and real-life examples, this book uncovers the power of virtual assistants as catalysts for productivity, efficiency, and seamless integration into our rapidly advancing technological world.